Sunday, October 29, 2006

Could YouTube be the answer?

I only made it through about 6 lines of Riddley last night before nodding off and despite my wanting to pick it up this morning I knew that if I did, i'd not make it out of bed before midday, so I fired up the laptop instead.

When I dont have work clawing at my back a usual laptop morning involves hiking through a range of sites, starting with the news (IHT, NYT, BBC, Guardian, Liberation) then on to friends sites and blogs, before rounding the trip off with the lastest YouTube pickings, pulling up the 'most rated' and 'most viewed' or searching for something in particular that most likely one of you guys have told me about. Its rare however that I click on the 'Featured video', but the black and white image of Santa / Garden gnome type bloke and the name 'Robert W Service' caught my eye, and inside I found The Cremation of Sam McGee.

"There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold..."

Go put the kettle on, make some steamy tea and sit back for the full icy 8 minutes of chilly poetry, read by our b&w gnome with some wonderful windy sound effects.

YouTube, it appears, could possibly be the answer to my linguistic thirst here during this little Asian Adventure...

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